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Cruises – With Skipper

Do you dream of taking a cruise and discovering the Seychelles? This beautiful Indian Ocean archipelago is famous for its beauty on land and sea. So to realise your dream, we offer you a private cruise with a Skipper in the islands of Seychelles. This will allow you to break the routine and better understand this beautiful region.

Seychelles comprises around 115 islands scattered across the Indian Ocean and is one of the most popular tourist destinations. And for a good reason, these islands have an exceptionally well-preserved natural heritage, beautiful beaches and a breathtaking diversity of fauna and flora. It is a true paradise for those who love discovery and adventure.

Creole is the language of the Seychelles archipelago. It is almost present in the media, newspapers and all forms of modern communication. Unlike in the past, it is no longer despised because Creolity was considered a culture-specific to the indigenous people. Today, this language is studied in school and is the pride of Indigenous peoples. But don’t worry; your Skipper will speak your language. 

As for gastronomy, this town is full of delicious dishes made from freshly caught seafood. This makes the Seychelles one of the best destinations for those who like to discover new tastes.

A holiday rich in discoveries

A cruise to Seychelles guarantees you both relaxation, leisure and adventure. These islands are very popular with newlyweds. Peace reigns, security is not to be deplored, and the natural setting is romantic. It’s the perfect choice for a honeymoon … with the wind and sea waves…

It is also a popular luxury destination and is still spared from mass tourism: the ideal place to spend moments of escape and forget about the hectic rhythm of everyday life. Enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches and the azure sea with your family and friends.  

Seychelles’ bays look like postcards and the waters around them are mild. Palm trees and rocky formations on the beaches accentuate the change of scenery. In short, it will be a quiet cruise full of surprises and discoveries.    

The must-see places in Seychelles 

Mahé is the Seychelles capital. It would be impossible to contemplate a cruise in this region without a tour. Why? It is one of the most attractive centres of activity in the whole archipelago. 

This island is home to 90% of the Seychellois population alone. It is also known for its breathtaking panoramic views and luxury hotels. There, the crops mix, and their products are extraordinary. 

Located some 45 kilometres from the capital, Praslin is another destination not to be missed. Vallée de Mai is probably this region’s most beautiful historical site, between the creek and a forest. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Your curiosity will be well satisfied.  

There are many other destinations, such as Frégate, La Digue, Cousin Island or the island of Félicité. During your cruise, we offer you to go through these magical places. You’ll fall in love with it…  

Discovering a unique natural landscape 

If you like natural landscapes, know that the archipelago abounds. Tropical forests, crystal clear waters, and beautiful beaches make it a heavenly place. For nearly a decade, Anse Georgette and Anse Lazio were among the world’s top 10 most beautiful beaches. 

Frégate is the island of the archipelago that best reflects this perfect vision of the primitive forest. The coconut, papaya, mango, takamakas, and many other exotic plants are planted there. All these trees are integral to the panorama and bring unique, exceptional added value.

The turquoise water around the islands makes it ideal for swimming and snorkelling. Yes, this archipelago has a beautiful underwater site. The waters are home to substantial coral-encrusted granite blocks and an underwater reef populated by colourful exotic fish.  

Seychelles fauna and flora 

The Seychelles are also a natural sanctuary for endemic animal and plant species. You will be surprised to see the panorama of birds that will welcome you at each stop and in all the Seychellois islands. Nearly 2,000 species of tropical plants have been recorded throughout the region, and nowhere else is it found. 

In the deep sea are hidden many species of fish characterised by bright colours and specific features. The emperor fish, for example, is known for its flattened body covered with splendid yellow and blue lines. And that’s not all; these bottoms are the home of the whale shark, up to 12 meters in length, but herbivorous. He feeds on plankton. 

During your Seychelles cruise with Skipper, you can meet tiny frogs during your stopover. They are so small that even by the time they reach maturity, their size does not exceed 1 centimetre.  

Aldabra, from mystery to miracles 

Aldabra is a small town in the Seychelles that is far from Mahé. It is almost unknown to visitors, yet it is one of the most beautiful stopovers not to be missed during a cruise. 

The difference between Aldabra and the other islands is that nearly 150,000 giant turtles inhabit it. It is undoubtedly the largest atoll on the planet. No wonder 1982, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Biosphere Reserve. And one more point! 

Sea turtles are also numerous in this part of the Seychelles. When their eggs hatch at sunset, and the little ones enter the water, it is a truly unique spectacle to see at least once. 

You can admire this miraculous phenomenon from your boat or approach the nests and take cover on the beach… A beautiful adventure!  

Activities for entertainment 

You won’t be bored during a cruise in the Seychelles archipelago because there is no lack of activities. The islands are perfect for snorkelling. You will appreciate the magnificent sea beds that stand proudly but discreetly. An opportunity to take a dip in colourful fish of different varieties.

And for those with a taste for adventure, their desires will be satisfied. The archipelago is made up of tropical forests that are protected from illegal logging. It is a safe place for escape and unparalleled discovery hikes. Here you will find typical species of the region.

If you wish, you can also sail on the seas while enjoying the excellent temperate climate of the Seychelles. And yes, in Seychelles, it is summer all year round.

Discovering the arts and cultures of the Seychelles 

You will learn more about Seychellois arts and culture during a skipper boat cruise. The peoples of these islands are mixed and have diverse origins: Arab, African, Asian and even European. And contrary to popular belief, the various ethnicities that make up this cosmopolitan population get along wonderfully and respect one another. 

Upon arrival, everyone will welcome you openly and happily share their culture. From island to island, you will be blown away by the differences in lifestyle and charmed by their gracious welcome. 

The Seychellois are also excellent cooks. There is no shortage of ingredients used to create traditional recipes. This Creole-style gastronomy will brighten you up, even if you are not a gourmet.

As far as Seychellois architecture is concerned, the islands are marked by colonial buildings, which witness the archipelago’s historical richness. Nearby, traditional houses decorate the landscape.

The Seychelles marina

The archipelago is outside the area affected by cyclones, which are very common in this part of the world. The climate in the Seychelles is perfect all year round. Moreover, you won’t find any big boats or cruise ships nearby. This way, you can go from island to island without disturbed and with a 360° panoramic view.

Seychelles smells calm and serene, combined with its unique landscapes and various animal and plant species, making it an original Garden of Eden. Indeed, this is what General Gordon of Khartoum said when he first visited Praslin around 1900. 

And he’s not the only one because all the visitors talk about an earthly paradise. After all, the beauty is so breathtaking. It’s up to you to experience the same thing on a Seychelles cruise with Skipper

Offers and services included: Seychelles cruise

We offer you a full service during a cruise in the Seychelles. You will have a professional skipper. He will guide you to all the islands you would like to visit. In addition, this person will also be involved in developing your travel itinerary to understand your destination better, although you will remain master on board.

To make the most of the boat trip, we also offer a comprehensive service, including the help of a local cook. The latter will prepare the best traditional meals of the archipelago, from the most delicious to the most tasty. And if you wish, you could also be served by a hostess to take care of the boat’s cleaning and maintenance. 

All the staff is there to help you make your stay unique; everyone will know how to stay discreet. Each member will be at your disposal, and all will be attentive to your every request or special request.

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